
We come together to pray as a community for a variety of reasons including:
  • Opening School Liturgy
  • All Saint’s Day & Founder’s Day
  • Thanksgiving, Christmas, Ash Wednesday, and Easter Prayer Services
  • Father-Daughter and Mother-Daughter Masses
  • Advent & Lenten Prayer Opportunities for the Community
  • Catholic Schools Peace & Justice Week
  • May Crowning
  • Baccalaureate Mass

The Liturgy Planning Committee also regularly offers Communion Services in Trinity’s chapel for all who want to participate.

Liturgy Planning Committee

Liturgies at Trinity are planned by a student group called the Liturgy Planning Committee. This group is open to all students, faculty and staff and meets every Friday during 3A and 3B in Campus Ministry. The core of the group is comprised of the students who have applied, been selected, and trained to serve as Eucharistic Ministers.

This group works closely with the Campus Ministry office to ensure that we celebrate our traditions with respect, knowledge and faith while enabling us to incorporate our individual and cultural traditions and creativity.

All students, regardless of religious beliefs, are encouraged to attend Liturgy Planning Committee meetings in order to better understand the shared faith at Trinity High School.