
Giving to Trinity


A gift to Trinity High School can take many forms, but they all have the same impact: sustaining our mission to educate and challenge young women to seek faith, knowledge, and truth.

Whether it is a financial contribution to the Trinity Fund to support the greatest needs of the school, a restricted gift to one of our scholarship funds to provide crucial aid for deserving students, or a planned gift via your estate,  each donation has a profound impact on the lives of our students and helps to ensure their continued success at Trinity, in college, and beyond. 

Every gift, no matter the size, allows our school community to guide each unique student in developing skills for lifelong learning, an ethic of care, and the desire for excellence. 

If you would like more information regarding giving opportunities, please contact Maggie McMahon McGarry ‘98, Director of Development, at 708.453.8311, or 

"Trinity had a lasting impact for me as a student and alumna. This is why I give my support in as many ways as I can."

Mary Ellen Boyle Callow ‘63

List of 11 items.

  • Check

    Please send you check payable to Trinity High School to:
    Trinity High School
    Office of Institutional Advancement 
    7574 West Division Street
    River Forest, IL 60305
  • Gift from IRA distribution

    • Once you reach 70.5 years old,  the government requires you to take a distribution from either your IRA or 401K.  These distributions are 100% taxable and can create an additional tax on your Society Security benefits, even if you give the money away after you receive it.  The good news is that if you redirect this distribution to Trinity, you skip the taxes!  To make a direct charitable distribution from your IRA, please click here for the letter of instruction and contact information.   
  • Credit Card

    Please click here to make a secure one-time gift, or set up a recurring monthly, quarterly, or annually gift. To make a gift by phone, please Director of Development, Maggie McMahon McGarry ‘98 at (708)453-8311. Click here
  • Gifts In kind

    Trinity is grateful for non-monetary gifts that can be used for one of our programs or teams, or a professional service that is provided to Trinity at a reduced rate or free of charge. For more information on gifts in kind, please contact Maggie McMahon McGarry '98 at, or (708)453-8311.
  • Gift of stock

    A gift of appreciated stock made directly to Trinity gives you a dual tax benefit.  You avoid paying taxes on the capital gains, and you can write off the full value as a donation when you itemize your taxes if you have owned the asset for more than one year.  
    To make a gift of stock to Trinity High School, please have your financial adviser contact Jim Walsh, our representative at Merrill Lynch Oak Brook Branch, at (630)954-6259, or via email at
    Please notify Shena McNamara Keith, VP of Institutional Advancement, at in advance of any stock transfers so that proper acknowledgment may be made.
  • Tax#: 36-2174835

  • IL Tax Credit Scholarships

    In August, 2017, the Illinois legislature passed the new Illinois Tax Credit Scholarship Program bill, Invest in Kids, which allows for a 75% income tax credit for individuals and corporations who make authorized contributions to a Scholarship Granting Organization (SGO). A SGO is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization approved by the Illinois Department of Revenue. The primary goal of an SGO is to award scholarships to qualifying students. If desired, an individual may elect to direct their contribution to Trinity High School.
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  • Matching gifts

    Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match any charitable contributions made by their employees. Please check with your employer, or your spouse's employer, to find out if your companies have matching gift policies.  
  • Sponsorship opportunities

    Corporate and/or individual sponsorship provides excellent visibility for you and your company through Trinity High School. To sponsor an event and/or athletics during the school year, please contact Maggie McMahon McGarry ‘98, Director of Development,  at 708.453.8311, or
  • Student scholarship and financial aid

    Scholarship gifts reflect a strong commitment to the advancement of the mission of Trinity High School. These funds provide vital tuition assistance, and as the needs of our students increase year after year, we remain committed to increasing our financial aid and scholarship support in partnership with donors. As a result of the generosity of our scholarship donors, generations of young women will be able to grow into intelligent, compassionate, leaders at Trinity. 
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  • Endowment

    Gifts to endowment provide a permanent source of support for financial aid for students demonstrating need, arts, athletic, and academic programs, faculty salaries and benefits, and the long-term maintenance of our campus. Although the specific use may vary greatly, endowment funds have a common objective: to provide support not just for one year, or even one generation, but for all generations. We welcome contributions to the existing funds or gifts to establish new funds.

    Facts about Trinity High School Endowment: 
    • The school draws a percentage of a rolling three-year average of the endowment value to support expenses in the operating budget each year.
    • Creating an endowment allows donors to fulfill their own personal philanthropic goals while helping support the needs and mission of THS
    • Endowments for financial aid support the school’s scholarship program.
    • Donors may establish a permanent named endowment as a tribute to a family member, faculty member, or for the general support of Trinity High School.
    • Endowed funds may be named with a gift of $50,000 or more

List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Shena Keith

    Shena Keith 

    Vice President of Institutional Advancement
    (708) 453-9374

List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Margaret McGarry

    Maggie McMahon McGarry 98

    Director of Development